German Pellets showed growth in sales volumes in all market segments in the first half. The company therefore succeeded not only in compensating for the continuing pressure on prices in the market but also in achieving further growth.
As emerges from the half-year report which was published on 31 August, the company’s total turnover was up by roughly 11% to €293.6m. The figure for turnover quoted by German Pellets represents total turnover of €314.0m generated in the reporting period less expenses of €20.4m incurred through changes in stock of finished and unfinished products. The increased total turnover in the first half of the year was contrasted by significantly higher material expenses of €232.6m, resulting in a slightly lower gross profit of €60.9m.
This is to be seen against the backdrop of lower pellet prices, slightly declining raw-material prices on the European market and stable raw-material prices in the USA, as well as an increased input of trading goods and higher sales volumes. In contrast, the group’s EBITDA improved slightly to €26.3m and the EBIT increased by no less than roughly 8% to €17.5m. The bottom line was that in the first six months the company generated slightly lower profit year on year, at €4.6m.